Please enter a Last Name
Please enter a First Name
Please enter a House Number
Please enter a Street Name
Please select a Street Type
Please select a City
Please enter a valid Date of Birth
Please enter a valid Home Phone
Please select the date and time that you are available to serve.
Please confirm the understanding that you are required to attend a mandatory training class prior to each election.
Please confirm if you are or are not knowledgeable with laptops, printers, and tablet devices.
Election Workers are needed on the following date (* Required)
I have served as an Election Worker in Alameda County.
I have my own car.
I will ONLY serve in the city where I Live.
I am willing to serve anywhere in Alameda County.
I am fluent (speak, read, write) in English.
I am fluent (speak, read, write) in another language. (Check all boxes that apply.)
I am confident and knowledgeable with laptops, printers, and tablet devices. (* Required)
I am interested in serving as a Judge (assistant manager).
I am interested in serving as a Clerk (assistant).